Donate to save the Big Scrub

We need your financial support to help us save our critically endangered rainforest from extinction. All donations over $2 are tax-deductible.

Please consider making a donation to our Science Saving Rainforests program that is applying cutting edge genomic science to the development of a genetically diverse seed plantation that will demonstrate a new approach to saving the world’s degraded forests.

Donate online

You can securely donate online by visiting

Direct bank transfer

Account Name: Rainforest Treasury. BSB: 062565 Account number: 10833458

Please write ‘Donation’ on the description section of your internet banking. Please send us an email ( telling us your name and where your donation should be directed (select one):

  • Where there is the greatest need

  • Science Saving Rainforests - genome project

  • Remnant Care program

We will send you a confirmation email thanking you for your donation and a receipt for your tax-deductible donation.


Please consider making a bequest to our perpetual endowment to enable us to meet the need for a higher level of funding to finance the permanent care that is required to ensure the survival of our critically endangered rainforest.

To learn more about making a bequest, send our Chairman an email: